The European Commission launches ACTRIS - the Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure
Posted 6th May 2023
ACTRIS ERIC provides access to a large variety of high-quality services to a wide range of users and needs, for scientific, technological, and innovation-oriented usage through its internationally recognized National Facilities. ACTRIS National Facilities are distributed across ACTRIS ERIC’s 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Greece and UK expressed interest in joining at later stages.
With their commitment, the members demonstrate atmospheric and air quality research as a national priority for at least the next five years, thereby supporting scientific excellence across Europe. Being a member country of ACTRIS ERIC means that a country’s representative can help shape the strategy, participate in mission-based research, and join ACTRIS's unified voice at the forefront of European science and education landscape of atmospheric research focused on aerosol, clouds, and trace gases.
ACTRIS facilities make up the largest, multi-site atmospheric research infrastructure in the world and offer its users open access to instruments, expertise, training opportunities, and data management services. All users, regardless of their affiliation, area of expertise, or field of activity, can benefit from ACTRIS pan-European open-access services. ACTRIS aims at increasing the excellence in Earth system observation and research by providing information and knowledge for developing sustainable solutions to societal needs.